Hamlin Auld


Say Aloha to Hamlin, BIO's VP of Operations.

As our day to day manager, Hamlin is the keystone to our daily operations on the dock. His commitment to raising the finest single oysters in SC is unrivaled. He is dedicated to ensuring all of our strict quality standards are met and exceeded. Every one of our Sea Clouds is truly #HamRaised.

As a lifelong Charleston resident, Hamlin comes from a family with deep Lowcountry roots. While pursuing a degree in history at The Citadel, he met his ebullient wife Dani studying abroad in Australia and together they searched for the world’s most beautiful beaches before returning to Charleston to start their family.

Since coming home and settling into his role as a husband and father (which he loves), Hamlin enjoys spending his time working on the water, watching football, and listening to good tunes.